Auto Insurance Coverage
Are you looking for affordable auto insurance quotes in Killeen TX? We, at Shawn Camp Insurance Agency, Inc provide you best auto insurance solutions suiting your budget and coverage requirements. We specialize in Progressive auto insurance including – car insurance, RV insurance and commercial vehicle insurance. No matter in what Texas city or town you live - Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove or Gatesville, we make sure that you don’t have to pay outrageous auto insurance prices.
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
In case you are at fault in an auto accident, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability by will provide you compensation for medical bills and other damages caused to other person/passenger or damage to someone's property. In Texas, the minimum liability coverage for Bodily Injury & Property Damage is set at 30/60/25. In simple terms,
$30,000 Bodily Injury Per Person – The auto insurance company will pay a minimum of $30,000 of bodily injury liability for one person in an accident.
$60,000 Bodily Injury Per Accident – A minimum of $60,000 will be paid per accident for bodily injury.
$25,000 Property Damage – The auto insurance will pay $25,000 per accident for property damage.
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage
The Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage offered by Progressive Killeen covers the damage caused to vehicle by incidents other than accidents. These include theft, fire, vandalism, weather damage, animal strike, riots, and other similar circumstances. With this auto insurance comprehensive coverage, you get compensation for repairing or replacing your car/vehicle in any of the aforementioned circumstances.
The Collision Auto Insurance Coverage will pay for the damages caused to your vehicle in case of collision with another vehicle or object. For instance, if you hit a car, a pole or another stationary object, the collision coverage will apply.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Uninsured Motorist Auto Insurance Coverage: If you are involved in an accident with someone who is uninsured, the auto insurance coverage will pay you for the expenses. Under this coverage, the Killeen auto insurance company will pay you for medical bills, lost wages and suffering caused by the accident.
Underinsured Motorist Auto Insurance Coverage: If your medical expenses or property damage costs exceed the at–fault person’s liability limits, the Killeen Underinsured Motorist Auto Insurance Coverage will provide you the compensation. The coverage pays you when the driver or owner of a vehicle responsible for the accident does not have enough liability insurance.
Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage
Also known as Gap Insurance, Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage protects you from ‘upside-down’ loan if your vehicle is stolen and not recovered. Loan/Lease Payoff coverage is strongly recommended for vehicles that you lease or for which you still owe a certain loan amount. However, this Killeen auto insurance will be applicable only if your loan or lease is held by a financial institution/bank and not any individual.
Medical Payments Coverage
Medical Payments (MedPay) auto insurance covers the medical expenses associated with the auto accident, no matter who is at fault. However, MedPay is often limited to medical treatment received by the injured person/family within the first three years after the accident occurred. The coverage also pays for funeral expenses in the event of death from an accident. The Killeen auto insurance company limits the coverage to a specific dollar amount (usually $25,000), which varies from state to state.
Custom Parts and Equipment/Accessory Coverage
The Killeen auto insurance coverage provides compensation for the permanently attached auto equipment, devices and accessories. It also pays for damages in the enhancements and changes made in the vehicle, other than those installed by the manufacturer, which alter the appearance or performance of the vehicle.
Most of the auto insurance companies in Killeen TX provide at least $1,000 of Custom Parts and Equipment (CPE)/Accessory coverage. However, you can apply for additional coverage of the vehicle for up to $4,000 to cover up to $5,000.
Rental Reimbursement
If you have purchased Rental Reimbursement coverage as a part of your Killeen auto insurance policy, you get coverage for the damage caused to your rental vehicle in an auto accident. The insurance is recommended to those who do not own any secondary vehicle and need to travel while their car/vehicle is undergoing auto repair.
Pet Injury Coverage
If your pet is injured in an auto accident, the Pet Injury Coverage will provide you claim for the injury caused to them. Progressive Killeen offers up to $1,000 of coverage for your pet if it gets injured in an auto accident while on a ride with you. The best part is, you do not have to pay anything for it. Progressive's Pet Injury coverage is covered in your Collision coverage auto insurance!
Roadside Assistance
The Killeen Auto Insurance's Roadside Assistance coverage provides towing in case your vehicle gets immobilized due to any of the following reasons:
Mechanical breakdown
Dead battery
Flat tire
Lockout or lost or stolen keys.
Insufficient supply of fuel, or gas
Entrapment in snow, mud, water or sand within 100 feet of the roadway
The auto insurance covers a specified amount of the necessary labor at the place of breakdown. All you need to do is sign the receipt and you're back on your way. Progressive Killeen’s Roadside Assistance is available 24 hours a day.
You can request for an INSTANT ONLINE QUOTE or contact our customer support at (800) 212 - 2641 for more information. We can also be contacted at:
Killeen: (254) 526-0535
Copperas Cove: (254) 547-2381
Gatesville: (254) 865-2002
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