When shopping for a motorcycle insurance, you must make sure that you know about the optimum coverage amount required, ways to get lower monthly premiums and procedure involved. You can get in touch with an insurance agent as he can help you to customize a plan that suits your bike type, driving needs as well as fulfill the state’s insurance requirements.
Following are some questions that are frequently asked by customers before buying a motorcycle insurance:
What kind of coverage do I need?
The comprehensive coverage policy which covers all expenses related to repair and damages of your motorcycle. Collision coverage pays for the expenses in case the vehicle is involved in an accident. Liability coverage covers expenses if there is a damage caused to a third party by your motorcycle. The coverage also varies as per the make of your bike. Therefore, you may need to pay different monthly premiums for a sports bike and a cruiser bike.
How do I make my premium payments?
Once the premium amount is fixed, you will be asked to choose your preferred payment method. It could be a by check, cash or online transfer. You will also be given a date by which the payment must be made every month.
Are there any discounts?
You can consult with your insurance agent about any discounts you can avail to lower their monthly payments. There is multi-policy discount which is offered if the customers combines some other insurance (personal, auto, health etc.) with their motorbike insurance. If the rider has taken special driving courses or has installed special lock brake, disc locks, immobilizer, ground anchors etc., he may be eligible for further discounts.
How do I file a claim?
If there has been a theft, collision or damage and you need to make a claim, call your insurance agent within 24 hours. If there is police involved, the paperwork from their end may also be required to finish claim formalities. In the event of no-claim in the entire tenure of the policy, you may get special discounts at the time of renewal.
Do I get roadside assistance in this policy?
With a slightly higher premium amount, one can have roadside assistance included in his policy. This is helpful specifically if the motorcycle is driven on long distances as it is an assurance that can get immediate help in case your vehicle breaks down unexpectedly.
Contact Shawn Camp Insurance Agency, Inc. to buy motorcycle insurance in Killeen, TX. For details about the coverage options, you can call us at (254) 526 – 0535.