by Administrator
19. June 2017 00:56
Comparing motorcycle insurance quotes is an important step before actually buying an insurance policy for your bike. Shopping around and comparing prices can help you fetch the lowest insurance quote. This will eventually help in saving money on insurance premiums. It is imperative that you do not finalize the first lowest quote you get as it may actually cost more over a period of time.
Broadly, motorcycle insurance provides the following types of coverages:
- Bodily injury and property damage liability
- Comprehensive and collision coverage
- Uninsured/underinsured motorist
- Medical bills
Below is a list of certain tips that can help in comparing motorcycle insurance quotes:
Check the coverage provided
The first and the most important thing that you need to look into is the amount of coverage provided by a certain motorcycle insurance policy. When an insurance quote is lower, the intended coverage may also be limited. Therefore, make sure that you read the coverage details of each quote to get an appropriate policy.
This is the amount of money you need to shell out even before the commencement of your motorcycle insurance policy. So, be clear about how much you can afford and choose a policy based on the deductible amount. Carefully check if a policy is actually less expensive due to a higher deductible. Always start from the least deductible amount as it can be altered at the time of renewal depending on your financial capability.
Look up on the Internet
Comparison websites offer you the privilege of comparing motorcycle insurance quotes while sitting in the comfort of your home. You can request online quotes from multiple insurance agencies and companies to get the cheapest deal for yourself. Looking up on the Internet can save you a lot of time and money as you don’t need to go to individual agents.
Know if you are eligible for discounts
Even before you start comparing motorcycle insurance quotes, it is best to know what all discounts you may be eligible for. Online quotes generally don’t mention the discounts; therefore you need to call the insurance agency directly to know what you can expect in terms of discounts. Some of the popular discounts are based on your driving record, the type of bike you own and buying multiple policies from the same insurance company.
Review company ratings
Compare the service quality of various insurance companies to know which one will be the best for you. Review the company ratings. You also need to check the track record of the insurance company and learn about the average time taken to settle a claim. This will help you in making an informed decision.